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For many, the volume of in-store traffic has decreased in recent years. This means companies are looking for new ways to increase customer spending.

So, what’s an easy upselling method? Product visibility!

Showing off products will catch customer attention and encourage them to consider a purchase.

As a result, we’ve noticed a higher demand for attractive retail products that can be placed around the shop alongside the traditional services offered.

Our Restora stand is ideal for this - fill it with a variety of useful and related items and you’re all set. These have a healthy margin and are an easy upsell with the type of work you have coming in. For example, if you have a shirt service, you can offer collar stays and expanders. Other relevant items such as sweater bricks and lint rollers would work well too.

Restora Stand

Another great product is Laundry Leaves. They are an innovative new product which are not only easy to use and mess free, but they are also vegan and come in small, fully recyclable cardboard packaging. 

Stocking Laundry Leaves could set you apart from competition and attract environmentally conscious consumers who might otherwise order these online.

Another perk of Laundry Leaves is the eye-catching floor or counter display stands, these are supplied free of charge with your first order as well as sample packs for you to give to customers.

Eezy brushes have been around for a while but have had an upturn in recent months thanks to social media trends and influencers. Lots of videos have emerged of the product removing pet hair from sofas and carpet with ease. What’s not to love?

Eezy Brush

You can get creative with promoting these too: “Post a picture of your pet and tag us for a discount on an Eezy brush and a lint roller”.

This gets people in your local area to engage with your content and start a conversation whilst upselling the product too. Sounds like a win-win to us!

If there are retail items you would like to see us have in stock, get in touch and let us know.

Textile Care
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